Bless – Promise Me by FluxMusicGroup


Check out FluxMusicGroup artist Bless as he takes us through a journey in which him and his mother were lucky enough to experience together, before her passing. The song is a great listen, here is an editors note from FluxMusicGroup on this song:

“This song was made by our FluxMusicGroup artist, Bless, shortly before his mother had passed away from heart failure. Before she passed away, Bless was able to share this song with his mother a couple of times. If you like this song, be sure to download it, share it and check out all the other music we have on the FluxMusicGroup YouTube channel! Thank you.” – FluxMusicGroup

FollowBless(@inblesswetrust) and Flux Music Group (@fmg_flux) on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

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