Solo Belafonte & Derrty Dollaz

ABM: Issue ten were here, in Santa Rosa, tell them who you guys are?

Solo: I’m Solo Belefonte, Kaked Up Entertainment, Representing West Santa Rosa!

Derrty: Derrty Dollaz. @DerrtyDollaz707 on IG. You feel me, Kaked Up!

ABM: So, first of all tell us how you guys came up with the label Kaked Up Entertainment.

Solo: Well it actually was started in a 180 prison cell Pelican Bay, B Yard. I always had a gift with writing and rapping and shit. And I just wanted to put together something positive to come home to you feel me, have my younger homies doing something good besides selling dope on the corner, you feel me. And we started from nothing, and now we bubbling.

ABM: Tell us about the new releases that you guys got going on.

Derrty: I just dropped May 17th, Down and Derrty, it’s my debut album. Its got 17 tracks, I got guest features from Solo Belefonte, Lil Slugg, Koby Ginobii, Lil Trev, Brill 4 The Thrill, Tre Jones, and Lil JFK. That shit everywhere, where ever you can download some music man, you can get my shit. Its also available on All Bay Music Magazines Soundcloud.

Solo: I got a new album “Real Nigga Recipe”, Solo Belefonte coming up soon! We got another group project; Kaked up entertainment presents: City Under Siege. It’s a group project with all of us: Me, Derrty Dollaz, Kaked Up Pay Stub, KakedUpTwin, KakedUpCrush you feel me. Some mo’ shit comin’. Women’s Make up products coming you feel me, Kaked Up make up, and also a book, we got a new book coming. It’s in the editing process right now.

ABM: So tell us about like how you guys all linked up, like how did Kaked up E.N.T., how did you guys link up officially?

Derrty: Family orientated man, we from the same turf. Blood wouldn’t make us no thicker. This is more than an umbrella, it’s a family

Solo: Ya, it started way before this music shit. We’ve all been intertwined; blood related you feel me from yay high you feel me. So this music shit is secondary, you feel me.

ABM: So tell us about growing up in Santa Rosa, you know what I’m saying, just for all the people in the Bay Area. You guys are a little bit out from the Bay, but you guys are the last official city in that 707, especially true as far as just like having a culture of industry veterans in this area; so tell us about it.

Derrty: Man, Santa Rosa is just like any other city. We small, we got our hood shit going on man you feel me. There’s dope fiends, there’s drug dealers, there’s killers, there’s pimps, there’s hoes, there’s everything man, and then some.

Solo: But don’t get it mistaken, this is the Bay Area. The North Bay, 707, don’t get that mistaken. And for anybody that has any type of thang to say about that you feel me, we push that line seriously from prison to this blacktop, this is the Bay Area.

ABM: MM Hmm, So tell us about the visual release, we got alot of visual releases dropped. What’s going on? What are the new videos that you guys dropped?

Derrty: We droppin’ a lot more, more frequently than niggas who was in this motha fucka for years you feel me? We putting down a motha fuckin demo, let niggas know – we ain’t playin’.

Solo: We’ve actually dropped a visual once to twice a month for the consecutively for the rest of this year. And from the beginning of the first quarter, we actually dropped five videos just last month and the month of June. So we are workin’, check us out. Kaked up you feel me, Derrty Dollaz.

ABM: What’s going on with you Derrty Dollaz? What’s up with the new album you just dropped? Tell us about it.

Derrty: A lot of hard work, it’s a lot of good music man, it doesn’t fall under your basic Bay Area, man that shits is like some global catcher. Man that’s some shit anybody can vibe to. There’s different variety of music on there. Theirs some shit for the ladies, some shit for the thugs and we got some shit for the clubs. You feel me, it’s all in there.

ABM: What about you Solo, what do you got coming up? I know you got an album you’re working on.

Solo: Yea, I’m just in the mix and mastering stages of my album. It should be dropping in the next thirty to forty-five days. A lot of gangsta’ shit. You know my/ our label got a whole wide variety of different genres, not just rap you know. We cover al ot of areas. But me myself, I kind of focus more on the gangsta’ side so I have a lot of shit on that side coming real soon you feel me. We got a lot of visuals, a lot of videos already in the archives ready to be released, you feel me. Just waiting for the ok call.

ABM: That’s dope. Ok, and so outside of the music I mean you guys obviously you guys are pushing a hard line with the label. I see you guys are jeweled up. Whose your guys jeweler man? You guys got these chains hittin’.

Solo: Yea, my jeweler right there, my jeweler for this piece is Ray, you can find him in the mall in Richmond, Exotic Jewelers, you feel me? I think my brother went to the east coast to get his shit.

Derrty: Ya I went to New York, Marcelo, Marcelo the Jeweler in the Queens and Diamond District.

ABM: So What else are your future plans for Kaked up? Do you guys got any business ventures, or anything else that you guys got going on that you want the public to know about?

Solo: I actually have a book that is in the editing process right now. It should also dropping in the next eight to nine months. A couple of short films in the process, many more projects you feel me. I think my brother got some other shit going on, I don’t know.

Derrty: Yea, we fitna do this Kaked Up food truck. It’s gonna be at all major events, all night life and all affairs. So that’s coming soon.

Solo: And the Kaked Up make up, if I didn’t say it the first time. Kaked Up make up.

Derrty: The only thing Kaked Up, is your make up.

Solo: Ya know, Trademarked too. Don’t get to stealin’ that. I know y’all hearin that a lot now ya know, that’s us.

ABM: Where can people find you at?

Solo: You can find me at Kakedupsolo9 on Instagram, KakedupSolo on Snapchat, you can find my brother at Derrtydollaz707 on Instagram.

Derrty: D E R R T Y, the rest is history.

Solo: Follow the rest of the gang, Kaked Up Paystub, Kaked Up, you go under the Kake, and you spell it with the K, remember to spell that bitch with a K. Everythings with a Kater. Ya dig, ya know.

Derrty: KU Twin, KU Crush, Kaked up Stub, Kaked Up E.N.T. Follow the page, tap in.

ABM: Alright, and any last words or shout outs?

Solo: Yea man, you ain’t touch shit if you ain’t touch All Bay nigga, you feel me. We doing it the right way man. If it ain’t right, you get left bitch. West Rosa, 707, Kaked Up E.N.T., Solo Belefonte, ya know.

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of

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