
ABM: Whats your stage name*

Liqz: Liqz

ABM:  What is your background growing up?*

Liqz: I was raised in Northern california but only was growing up there tip i was like 13-14 and had gotten locked up until about 18. Growing up we weren’t poor but didn’t have a lot. My parents divorced when i was 5 and it pretty much has been my mom raising us mostly with us occasionally seeing my pops. I was locked up so young that most of my younger years i spent locked up. I got into trouble for a bunch of petty bullshit and relized i didn’t wanna go to jail for bullshit. When i got out though it was pretty much my same situation so i ended up getting into selling harder drugs. After a while a few of my friends started loosing their lives to it from prison overdosing and other shit and i relized this probably wasn’t the route i wanted to end up on and i got into cannabis. I ended up doing really well for myself in that world, so well that eventually i had more money than i needed and more things going on than i could pay attention too. A close friend or what we thought was one started to work with police and helping them with an investigation that ended up bringing me and my group of friends in front of a judge once again.Except this time i was in New York. Now this time im a lot older and the charges against me a lot more serious Thats in addition to a cultivation and gun charge i had pending here in california. At this point i thought my world was fucked, So i had known Berner from an album me and him were working on together and had listened to the jacka my whole life and wanted to do a collaboration with him because the album i was working on with Berner was one of the last things i had worth anything. I ended up connecting with The Jack and at this point in my life i was probably at my lowest. Its crazy now thinking back how this all happened; so at first it was like i was some guy coming out of nowhere trying to pay his way through and not knowing what the hell i was doing or having the slightest clue, but me and Jack had a real connection aside from the music and i think at this point he was the only thing keeping me from loosing my shit, he would tell me “Liqz, just go handle you shit(my sentence in N.Y.)and when you get back we’ll get this shit lit” At times thats all i had to look forward too. Long story short i went did my time and came home, in that time though i had left some of the music we were working on and it came out without it being finished and was a total disaster, but it showed me where i was at and what needed to be done to really make shit happen. So when i came home i started fresh and started to record ‘SealBoyz” a solo mixtape to start exploring who and what i wanted to do as an artist. The Jacka had heard i was out and working on a new project and got a hold of me through a mutual friend, i got on the phone and he said “Liqz!!How you recoding anything without the Bull???” We laughed it off and he said they were on the way and came to the studio i was wiring at in the north bay and we reconnected. After he heard what i had going he ended up hosting the tape for me and hoping on some songs. Then said what i needed to do was rock with him for a couple weeks and knock out videos and keep working…So thats what i did, we hit the road and he was walking me through a lot of the content that i got, he was there for all of it. So on the level of music The Jacka was really putting me on and we had known each other for a few years now at this point and ever since i had met him i was in different stages of planning how i would open up a Hydroponic store, he had watched me throughout the time we had known each other go through different things trying to manifest this dream into reality. He started taking interest in it asking me how exactly it worked and why i hadn’t done it yet and after multiple debates, discussions, and him just grilling trying to see if i knew my shit we decided it would be smartest if me and him did the store as partners and agreed to open up Hydro Tech and bring all our friends in on the business whatever ways made sense. So we started working double-time on Hydro Tech and me now recoding and putting together ten albums with him showing me a play by play of exactly i needed to get done. It was all making great progress i had just finished a berner album me and jacka put together a solo project and a album with me and Lil Rue that Jack worked everyday on with me and lil Rue and pretty much manages the whole project down to the song order and beat selection. We had the store legally all together and were preparing the marketing and had already designated our distributors and put together a lot of the preliminary steps. I woke up with txts from Jack saying to go checkout the buildings for the store he is still getting up and when i come that way to meet our marketing manager he’ll catch up. So i went and did that and was toting him the whole time telling him about the buildings and joking around with him about him not being there and told him to let me come grab him, he said he was gonna be with our manager. When i showed up to the meeting the manager was alone so i txted Jack saying “WYA” he txtd back at 7:03 “94”………The was the last text i had ever got from him, about fifty minutes later her was shot there on 94th and Macarthur and passed away 2-2-2015. After that a lot of my world changed and is still changing. I decided to still open the store in his honor and his percentage will go to his kids of course.As for the music it kinda left me where i am now, trying to figure it out. I am blessed though to have had the time i did with him, he was an amazing person i dont think i met a better person. I have the Berner album me and him did together nobodies heard yet and The Lil Rue album which he pretty much handcrafted with me and Rue. I have done about 5 projects and counting so far and jack helped me put together everyone its crazy….Sometimes it makes me not even want to do the shit no more. i just know i got too, got to for Jack and everyone else.Most of all me though, its painful but sometimes its the only thing that makes things seem semi-normal for a second again…But thats how i got here now… 

ABM: Who musically inspired you to become a performing artist?*

Liqz: Really The jacka i probably never would of taken it serious if it wasn’t for him so i’d owe it to him really. But a lot of artist influence me and inspire me like Jay-Z,RZA,Jadakiss, RUN DMC,NAS,Afrika Bambaata, Eric B, and more recently Berner,Kendrick,J-cole and a bunch more i could go on forever because a lot of them are inspiring in their own ways

ABM: What is your most recent single to date, tell us about it.

Liqz: So my most recent single will probably be “Face The King” Off “GROW MUSIC” Me and Lil Rue’s album featuring The Jacka, that we recorded at The Grill Studios By LEV BERLACK(not sure about the spelling) It was a sons we had did and i was talking about my grand father and cousin who also recently passed way. The video for the song air’s on WSHH in the next month here. Its crazy because The Jacka is features on the song and the video was filmed on 94th and MacArther a couple weeks before he was killed there. It fucks me up to watch but yea thats probably one of most recent singles.

ABM: Any project your working on?*

Liqz: So i actually got like ten albums coming, The next one will be “GROW MUSIC” with me and Lil Rue in AUGUST. After that “HARVEST SEASON” which is a Berner Album featuring Me and The Jacka. both are dope projects to keep your eye out for in the near future. Following that i have “CURRENCY EXCHANGE” which is a solo album that ill be releasing which will be my first real solo. Then me and K-Loc from the Gorilla pits have been working on this album that has one of the last tracks Jacka did on it and is dope too. After that i have “INTERSTATE MONEY” coming out thats a solo and “HYDRO TECH” the album with me and The Jacka coming in between that and “IMPORT EXPORT” so yeah ill have work. All of them are dope as fuck and i have taken my time with them. im still in the process of putting the together the last few projects but keep your eye out for all my tittles next up is “GROWMUSIC”

ABM: What is your most favorable moment in music?*

Liqz: One of my favorite moments in hip hop the “fuck the police” movement was going on with ICE-T and the president was campaigning to shut rap music down. It showed what a large effect music had and how powerful it can be to people. It was a historical moment in history for all of us and guided the course of hip-hop in a major way

ABM: Where can people find you?*

Liqz: nah i mean it depends if they are trying to ring my music; anywhere, like itunes,youtube internet and cd stores all over the place. If you wanna contact me you can via, InstaGram-Liqz707 or FaceBook-Liqz Sealboyz. i can be contacted all those ways for whatever….

ABM: Where can people find you?*

Liqz: If you wanna contact me you can via , InstaGram-Liqz707 or FaceBook-Liqz Sealboyz. i can be contacted all those ways for whatever….

ABM: Any last words?*

Liqz: Yea I just wanted to thank all the people who helped and still help making my visions come to life, Friends, Family, and business associates. I wanna give a special thanks to The Jacka who if it wasn’t for him, none of this would be possible. Rest In Peace. I also wanna send my regards to his kids and family, I’m truly sorry for their loss. Last but not least All Bay and anyone else who helped get my story out there, Much Love and Respect Thank You All!!!!


Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of

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