Nani Harrison

ABM: What’s your background in modeling? When and why did you get started?

I don’t really have a background in modeling to be honest. I’ve been freelance modeling for about two years now. I do it because it makes me happy and it’s actually something that I love to do. It’s just something about being in front of the camera. Not a cocky feeling but a feeling that I can be what I want,  I can be myself. Which is one of the reasons why I got started. I’ve alway had my own personal insecurities, my own problems and struggles. I used to see these models on tv or magazines and think to myself “I want to be them” they were beautiful, tall, and tiny. However, the reality is that I could never be them, I could never be a size 2, my skin would never be that flawless. The more I became more comfortable with myself the more I thought “I could do this” and so I did. I’m still doing it.

ABM: How would you describe your style? Consider anything and everything from color to historical eras and more.

My style? I dress according to how I feel. Honestly, some days I’ll wake up and want to get all dressed up and there are days where I just want to wear baggy clothes and a messy bun. I’ve been feeling the color grey lately though and I thrift here and there. Eras? I would definitely say I love the 90s. The bolder lips baggy clothes and how natural everyone was. That would probably be the only era I can relate to.

ABM: What models and designers inspire you and why?

I don’t really have a favorite designer right now. My favorite models though are Neeandra, I met her once and she was just the sweetest little thing and gave me some good advice, Stacey Hash, Crystal Westbrooks, and Asia Dee. First off, they all have some bomb hair. I’m a sucker for curls. and though I’ve only met Neeandra once they all seem to have this way about them that’s genuine. They make me feel comfortable to be myself natural and all because I see them doing it with not a care in the world about anyone judging them.

ABM: What makes bay area fashion unique?

What makes bay area fashion unique to me is that I feel that everyone has their own sense of style. I see a lot of people dressed differently and what makes it even more unique is that they don’t care about looking or feeling different.

ABM: What do you get out of modeling?

what I get out of modeling is that I’m a social person. I get to meet these amazing people. Models, Designers, Photographers, and I’ve met some pretty dope people. Some of which I still am pretty close with. I get to network and shoot at some crazy locations. And I get to perfect my craft. I love it.

ABM: What advice do you have for other aspiring models?

Some advice that I would give other aspiring models is don’t give up, keep going. It doesn’t matter how big or small, tall or short, who cares if your purple or green. If you want to do it you can. Do it because it’s something you love to do not because it’s a trend and don’t lose sight as to what and why you’re doing it. Just be careful who you trust in this industry, have and read all contracts, but most of all have fun!

ABM: What are some things you dislike/hate about the fashion industry?

Something that I dislike about the music industry is that I do see a lot of the same things on different pages and on different sites. I feel people need to be more original. It’s one thing to be inspired by a look and it’s another to actually have ripped someone’s entire work off.

ABM: How has modeling changed other aspects of your life?

Modeling has changed my aspects in life because the more I do it the more I figure out new things about myself the more I see myself progressing not just as a model but as an individual. Those insecurities are long gone and I’m happy with who I am. I’m all for self empowerment.

ABM: What are your goals as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field?

People ask me all the time why haven’t I signed with an agency and honestly I’m just still having fun with it and I also want to still keep my options open. I’m still in school and I want to focus and finish, I already took a year off. I don’t want to really lose sight of why I started modeling in the first place. I do eventually want to take it as far as I can go.

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of

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