Keak Da Sneak takes the stage after being shot!

Keak Da Sneak takes the stage after being shot!

Oakland artist, Keak Da Sneak formerly from the hip hop group 3X Krazy takes the stage after being injured by a gun shot Friday, Jan. 20.

“We wanna send our deepest prayers & wishing a speedy recovery ??? to my good friend #keakdasneak I’m sad to hear that shortly after we took this pic he was shot!! Fortunately he is doing ok and will be back like yadada!! Stop trying to kill all the dope rappers.. Please sheesh ? #getwellsoonkeak were all pushing for you to get through.” –All Bay Music Magazine

Keak Da Sneak then confirmed the news on his Instagram last night while getting onto stage still recovering.

“You’ll never understand how valuable life is until it flash before ya eyes ?? Gods plan can never be determined by man an fa that I’m still livin an Can’t nothin on this earth stop me!” –Keak Da Sneak

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of

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