Indie Film “Licks” Shines the Spotlight on Oakland

The Bay Area has always been a hot spot for film making, but recently the city of Oakland has been receiving some shine. “Licks”, an indie film coming straight out The Town, gives viewers an up close and personal look at street life in Oakland. First featured at the South by Southwest Music Festival, “Licks” is the compelling tale of a young man participating in a robbery gone wrong. After spending two years in jail he comes home to find the hood just how he left it, heartless and cold blooded.

Faced with major decisions and little options, “Licks” takes us thorough his journey to redemption in an attempt to right his wrongs. It combines all the elements of your favorite urban drama, with a Bay Area setting and thought provoking story line. It’s an authentic representation of the perils of hood living good, bad and ugly. Much of the film’s authenticity and grittiness can be attributed to the cast members. They were hand-picked from Bay Area neighborhoods and have close ties to their characters making their acting debuts highly believable.

The quality of the film’s production also stands out, particularly as an independent project. One would never know “Licks” was shot on a meager budget and edited on a lap top in a Berkley apartment; the cinematography is just that good. Most importantly the film showcases the fact that beautiful things can come from the ugliest places no matter the circumstances. The New Parkway Theater in Oakland has been screening the movie and it’s also available at your favorite online retailer for download. Check out the trailer below and log on to the official Instagram page @licksmovie for more information. @_CourtneyCherry

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of

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