Kendrick Lamar stole the Grammy’s

The Grammy’s is always an interesting event, almost always scrutinized by the hip hop culture for being fake or rigged.  This year the Grammy’s was less hyped and the artists treated it that way, considering artists like Rihanna decided to ditch the event, even though she was scheduled to perform.  The highlight of the Grammy’s was undoubtedly Kendrick Lamar’s performance.

He didn’t win best album of the year but he did win best rap album of the year and he made the Grammy’s an inspirational experience for some youngins from his home town of Compton.  Kendrick Lamar’s ability to shed light on social issues and create a message with his music is what gained him the key to Compton over the weekend before the Grammy’s and he decided to make the Grammy’s experience more than just a showcase of his success. Kendrick brought along some lucky students from Compton Highschool for a field trip to inspire them and give them a huge opportunity to get in the mix with some of their biggest idols.  Check out the video to see their reaction and to see how Kendrick’s selfless behavior creates something new for an event that has been going on for decades.  ~ @PlizzyPlizatt


Ian Jackson
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