Kanye and Kim release photos of baby North

Kanye West finally reveals baby pictures of him and Kim’s baby on Kris Jenner’s talk show. Kim Kardashian gave birth to baby North West two months ago and they have been keeping here under wraps, not even sending photos to close friends because they did not trust anybody with the photo and didn’t want it to be leaked all over the net. There were rumors that Kanye and Kim have been waiting for the highest offer they could get from a magazine to sell them the photo but Kanye squashes those rumors in the interview with Kris. Kanye said, “It’s all this talk about baby pictures and can you get paid for the baby picture or can you put it in a magazine, and for me and your daughter we have not attempted to get paid for anything or attempted to put it in a magazine, I thought it would be really cool on her grandmother’s season finale to bring a picture of North.”.

Kanye West, who has a reputation for being grim at times, appeared to show a different side on the talk show.  The sincerity in his voice helps his case when spilling out his heart on national television. Kanye touched on how the baby has changed the outlook he has on life as he knew it.  Kanye touches on how much he is in love with Kim and that even doubling the amount of paparazzi he has around him because of both their popularity wasn’t even an issue for how much joy he has felt from his newly formed family.

The beautiful baby was then dissected for who her looks came from specifically. Kanye makes a funny statement by saying, “I pray that she looks like her mother when she’s older.” and after Kris was the first to say what most of us are thinking, “I think she is an amazing combination of the two of you. She is so adorable. She has Kim’s eyes, I think she has your cheeks and both of your lips.”.


Kanye said,  “You know, my grandfather just passed and this whole thing was never about money, it was never about popularity. His whole thing was joy, just joy, like having joy in his life and she’s my joy and she brought my new joy into the world and there’s no paparazzi… and there’s nothing that’s going to take that joy from me.”

Kanye then touches on his notorious moment at the 2009 MTV VMA’s when he went up on stage and took Taylor Swifts limelight by saying that Beyonce deserved the award instead of T Swift.  Now having a baby girl of his own he would never want that to happen to her and it has made him regret his actions that night. His exact words were, “The last thing I would want to happen to my daughter is some crazy drunk black guy in a leather shirt to come up and cut her off at an awards show,” the rapper admitted. “That’s the last thing I’d want.”.  It will be interesting how his baby and new family will change his style as a rapper and fashion designer.

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of TheRapManager.com

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